Tag Archives: don’t shoot

Another Victim of Biden’s Advice.

Remember when Biden told us to get a shotgun and fire a warning shot? Several people have gotten hurt from his advice, here’s the latest one: A Woodbridge woman was arrested after she shot a handgun into the air to scare off a group of boys who were attacking her daughter.   Lakisha Gaither, 35, […]

Don’t Shoot Ax Wielding Maniac.

Don't Shoot Ax Wielding Maniac.

Even Chris Matthews wants to shoot the bastard, but Mark Glaze, Director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns? No, no, no.

“MARK GLAZE: Very often somebody will come at you. They might want to have a fistfight. They might come at you with an axe handle.

MATTHEWS: Would you consider the guy with the axe handle armed or not?

GLAZE: Not with a gun.

MATTHEWS: I would consider him armed.

GLAZE: I have a word for him. I grew up in Colorado where my dad was a gun dealer, and a guy who shoots somebody who has anything other than a gun when they could have done something else like talk or fight with their fists –
MATTHEWS: How do you talk to a guy with an axe handle?

GLAZE: Well, you fight him. You run away. You deescalate the situation.”


Clearly, MAIG is an organization that cares more for the rights of ax-wielding murderers than the people they attack. They ought to call themselves Mayors Against LEGAL Guns.

Is that the “common-sense gun control” you’re selling? We can’t even shoot a 1980s horror movie cliche? Unbelievable.