Delta Six: The New Gun Controller.

If you like video games, these gun controller looks amazing. Perfect for those days you can’t afford to go to the range.

“What you see above is the final version of the gun controller, the one that will be shipping to Kickstarter backers, and those who pre-order from the maker’s site, later this holiday season. A Delta Six representative tells us how in the months leading to this moment, the virtual combat-friendly controller took an incredible amount of prototyping, customizing and calibrating, but that the company’s thrilled to soon be able to deliver on its crowdfunded promise.

You can see a video of what you can do with it here:

The comments were interesting, some liberal gamers were defending it, but not all.

“Only in the good old U S of A.

You guys are crazy.

Gun crazy.”

We’re FREEDOM-crazy, you a-hole.

I don’t understand the criticism here.

People are playing light-rail shooter games in the arcade all the time. How is this any different, just that I am now doing so from home? If I want to spend my money on an expensive accessory because I believe it is worth the extra utility to the game, what’s wrong?

Good point.

Meh…  For that price, I’d rather take my real AR-15 to the range to shoot at targets…

Another good point, as long as you can afford the ammo.