CHADDS FORD — As 80 demonstrators on both sides of the gun control debate congregated outside the office of state Rep. Stephen Barrar, R-160, of Upper Chichester, a heated exchange erupted between the elected official and the head of the Delco United for Sensible Gun Policy Thursday evening.
“I don’t see where just a background check protects us from criminals who intend to do us harm with hand guns or with guns,” Barrar said outside his office as he initially attempted to meet with both sides before the disagreement unfolded.
“One thing history has taught us is that criminals will always find a way to get access to guns in Pennsylvania,” he said. “(House Bill 1010) doesn’t really accomplish making our communities safer. This background check law would have never prevented Sandy Hook.”
“We need to make sure that the laws on the books already are being enforced to a maximum benefit that we can,” he said. “Before we impose additional restrictions on gun ownership, we should make sure this legislation (HB 1010) is going to work and I’m not convinced of that.”
Our enemies are getting nastier, but have no fear, we can respond in kind. If you have any dirt about Delco, let me know.