“Gun Responsibility” Means Gun Control.

In an opinion column published by Eric Liu on CNN, “The Accidental Asian” tries to confuse us by using “gun responsibility” instead of “gun control.” Why do they think we’re so stupid? Here’s what he writes: Gun responsibility isn’t gun control. It isn’t about “controlling” people or banning ownership of guns or confiscating weapons. But […]

Ted Cruz’s Coloring Book.

You’ve probably never heard of Really Big Coloring Books, the company that “number of coloring books featuring major public figures including President Barack Obama after his victory in 2008 and Nelson Mandela. The company also has made books on each political party, as well as the tea party.” Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/12/09/sen-ted-cruz-gets-a-coloring-book/ Well, I you have kids […]

Switzerland: Gun Lovers Paradise.

Maybe there’s a reason to watch CNN tonight. Switzerland is, by many measures, a gun lover’s paradise. According to one estimate, the Swiss rank third in the world with 46 guns per 100 people – trailing only Yemen and, of course, the United States. Why is Switzerland armed to the teeth? Well, thanks to a […]

Pro-Gun Starbucks Attacked by Stupid Moms.

The Communist News Network loves printing anti-gun propaganda. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/30/opinion/watts-beck-guns-starbucks/index.html “Editor’s note: Shannon Watts is the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Kate Beck is the head of the organization’s Seattle chapter. The organization was created to build support for what they term common-sense gun reforms. …. Starbucks refuses to ban […]