Chris Christie VETOES New Jersey Gun Ban. WTF?

  Did someone exorcise the RINO out of Christie? This is shocking: “New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) late Friday vetoed a bill to ban a powerful model of assault weapon that he initially advocated in the wake of last December’s elementary school shootings in Newtown, Conn. The bill that passed New Jersey’s Democratic legislature […]

Christie Signs Anti-Gun Bills.

The media says the bills target gun violence, but that’s BS. They only target law-abiding gun owners that haven’t done anything. “Gov. Christie signed 10 bills Thursday targeting gun violence in New Jersey, including measures requiring that certain mental-health records be submitted to the federal background-check database and increasing penalties for gun trafficking. ….. The […]

Christie Attacks Rand Paul and Libertarian Republicans.

Republicans are supposed to believe in small government, and libertarians believe in small government. So is there anything wrong with some in the GOP moving in a libertarian direction? Gun-banner Christie says yes. “This strain of libertarianism that’s going through parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought,” the […]