Here’s an interesting story from The Huffington Post:
“An Arizona woman died after her boyfriend accidentally shot off a handgun he had tucked into his waistband Tuesday morning.
The 18-year-old man had been hugging his 24-year-old girlfriend when she complained that the weapon was making her uncomfortable, according to KTVK.
The man discharged the gun while attempting to remove it, shooting the woman, according to police.”
So what can we learn from this?
1. Never tuck your gun into your waistband. You’re not a banger, this isn’t Grand Theft Auto, holsters were created, they protect the trigger. It’s virtually impossible to accidentally touch the trigger when the gun is in a holsters that covers it.
2. Don’t stand too close to people when removing your gun.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger. Hold it from the butt of the gun.
The left loves using stories of gun accidents to scare people about guns. Here’s a few:
“In May, a Colorado woman died after being accidentally shot in the head with a rifle as she passed the gun to her husband.
In 2010, a hardware store customer who had a gun tucked into his waistband accidentally shot himself in the testicles.
And last May, a Florida woman who forgot she had a gun in her purse accidentally shot her friend in the leg when she dropped the purse and the gun went off.”
Source: Idem
I could play the same game and find stories of cops shooting themselves or others, not too mention of soldiers who got killed by friendly-fire. Yet you won’t see me doing that, because the POSITIVE stories about guns outweigh the negative stories.
It’s the same reason we don’t ban swimming pools, while it’s true that a child is more likely to die of drowning than of an accidental shooting, the fact is that millions of kids don’t drown nor get shot.