Nail Gun Control?

Control is a myth, you can control yourself, you can control your tool, but you can’t control other people. Which is why: Man shoots himself in head with nail gun – twice   OTTAWA — A Carleton Place man is likely to face charges once he recovers from shooting himself in the head with a […]

Canadian PC Kills Gun Salute.

PC destroys everything that’s nice and good, including a 90-year-old tradition. The omitting of a three-volley gun salute at this year’s Remembrance Day service at Riverside Veteran’s Memorial Park signals the end of 90 years of local tradition. Citing a Canadian Forces protocol directive that a gun salute is only accorded a funeral, the local […]

Some Canadian Gun Owners Pissed Off With Gun Range Advertising.

Folks, if you have a better picture of the ad, comment the link, because this is what I found and it’s hard to tell what’s going on. “ANCOUVER — A local group of gun owners is shocked and disturbed by a new advert at SkyTrain stations showing a bullet-riddled bull’s-eye parking meter, alarm clock and […]