Hispanic Jeweler Shoots Burglar

The rate of Hispanics who support our Second Amendment is lower, so I’m happy when I can show you stories like this: ELGIN, Texas (KXAN) — Elgin police say a jewelry store owner shot and killed a burglar inside the store early Monday morning. Just before 1 a.m., police responded to a call about shots […]

Car Dealer Mass Shooting Stopped by Gun Owner

The FBI considers 4 dead people a mass shooting, here nobody died:   During an incident in Taylor County, FL yesterday, at a car dealership, our good guy came in the form of a Taylor County Sheriff’s Deputy who was getting his car serviced at the dealership. Deputy Robert Lundy was waiting for his vehicle […]

Concealed Carrier Shoots Pit Bull and Saves his Family

This is why I love guns, this is why being without a gun is dangerous for yourself and others: GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. Twenty years ago, Chad Herbranson got his concealed carry permit, and his gun is with him wherever he goes. But when he went out with his two daughters early on Super Bowl Sunday decked […]

90-year-old fights back with gun

All Hail the Great Equalizer! DAYTON —The 90-year-old owner of an East Fifth Street laundromat scared off a would be robber on Monday evening, pulling a gun when the young man demanded cash from the register. George Hicks said he wasn’t scared during the confrontation at the R & J Laundromat and will be ready […]

Shoot me once? Shoot you 10 times.

Armed Robber Shoots Store Owner in the Leg, Store Owner Then Shoots Robber 10 Times. An alleged armed robber entered the Get and Go Convenience Store in Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi. The armed suspect attempted to rob the store, and during the process of taking money, the suspect shot the store owner in the leg […]

Woman Shoots 1 of 2 Armed Home Invaders Who Shot Another Resident in the Face.

Imagine how this would have ended if she didn’t have a gun: “A woman in a Gainesville, FL home may have saved her own life as well as the lives of two other people in her home as well. Two armed men burst into a Gainesville, FL home. They shot a man who was sleeping […]

Milwaukie stops intruder with gun.

If you click on the link, you’ll see that this woman doesn’t look like much. She’s not Xena Warrior princess, no female bodybuilder, but with her great equalizer, she stopped an intruder from terrorizing, and she didn’t even have to pull the trigger. MILWAUKIE, Ore. — An intruder in Milwaukie tried to break into a […]

Don’t Rob the Family Dollar.

I don’t know why Alabama gets a bad rap, here in Tennessee I’ve seen more than one person say “well, at least we’re not Alabama.” After you read this story, you’ll wish more people would act like this hero did. Family Dollar Customer Shoots Robber Updated: Wednesday, November 13 2013, 10:57 AM CST UPDATE 10:30AM: […]

Gonzaga Students get Probation- will appeal.

Looks like public pressure has had some effect. Instead of expulsion, they’re getting probation: Gonzaga University will review its weapons policy as two students who used a pistol to scare off an intruder appeal their probation for having guns in their university-owned apartment. …. Their lawyer, Dean Chuang, said Gonzaga should consider student safety above […]