Tag Archives: anti-semitism

Mandela Supported Palestinian Terrorism.

I’m not denying the crimes of Apartheid, but the truth must be told. Mandela is not the Saint the liberal media claims he is. As one journalist wrote: Nelson Mandela may be a symbol of goodness for many as an ardent advocate for non-violence protest, but for Jews and Israel, he has been an enabler […]

Media Matters Accuses Pro-Gun Group of Anti-Semitic Advertising.

This ad has Media Matters raving mad: “A Colorado newspaper has repeatedly run an anti-Semitic ad depicting New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is Jewish, as a puppet-master who controls a state senator the ad’s sponsor is seeking to recall from office for supporting stronger gun laws. The September 8 and 9 editions of the Pueblo Chieftain featured the half-page advertisement. The group responsible […]