The problem with outdoor gun ranges is that sometimes developers buy land and build around them.
“ORTING, Wash. — Pierce County is mulling an ordinance that would protect gun ranges from noise and other lawsuits, but not everyone is happy with the plan.
The owners of five local gun ranges say they’ve been around a long time and don’t want to be sued every time a new housing development pops up.
But neighbors say just because the ranges have been around a while doesn’t mean they should have free rein to do whatever they want.
Pam Faber lives in a mobile home near one of the gun ranges, and she said her home has been hit by several stray bullets, including one that missed her by a matter of inches.
“I actually felt it behind me,” she said. “Oh yeah, I screamed because it scared me.”
Source: http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Battle-brewing-between-Pierce-County-gun-ranges-neighbors-219496931.html
Now I don’t know if Faber is telling the truth, but I like this comment a reader made:
“McMansions backed right up against something they don’t like.
Could be a rifle range.
Could be a skeet range.
Could be a naval air station.
Could be a base for “stryker” vehicles. And tanks. And artillery.
Could be a race course.
Could be horses.
Could be a cattle fattining place.
Could be a swine farm.
Could be a Renaissance Fair.
Could be a parking lot.
Could be an elementary school, with little kids having fun.
Could be a train switching yard.
Could even be a golf course. “Fore” is too loud for them.
Who was there first?”
Source: Idem