Whether it’s a Michael Brown telling a cop “you’re too much of a pussy to shoot me” or kids getting shot for pointing gun-looking toys at cops, it seems only the cops are being blamed for what’s clearly irresponsible behavior.
Do we blame Budweiser and bars for drunk driving? Do we blame McDonalds for obesity? I know some people do, but reasonable people don’t. Even Health Nazis would admit that if people refuse to exercise, the problem is with them, not with society.
Consider this gun:
It’s true that if you point this at a crook, he might not know it’s a gun until you pull the trigger. Yet we have the right to bear that gun, a pink gun, or any gun.
Cops are our defense against anarchy, without cops we’d have to live like vigilantes. Interestingly enough, the Roman Empire didn’t have cops, instead the politicians would cut deals with the crime lords to make sure crime was kept to a minimum, and only in certain areas. Is this what we want for us? I don’t think so.
The truth is the poor cops can’t catch a break, if they don’t respond to a 911 call fast enough, they get blamed. If they let crime spiral out of control, they get blame. And if they shoot a POS that tells them, ‘you’re too much of a pussy to shoot me” and reaches for their gun, they get blamed.
Some libertarians even believe that it’s OK if a cop dies on the job, that self-sacrifice is part of the job description. But that view is erroneous, just like Patton said “Your job is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his country,” a cop’s job is not to die protecting us, but to live and remove the threat.
Widespread humanism and a class-warfare mentality has made us too compassionate of all kinds of criminal scum. The response to “Black Lives Matter” shouldn’t be “All Lives Matter,” but “Criminals Don’t Matter.” Obama talks about racism being deeply rooted in America, yet that is nonsense.
The right isn’t racist, the right judges people on the basis of ability and character. It’s the left that thinks in terms of groups. They don’t support Obama and Hillary because of who they are, but what groups they represent. Hillary can’t run on her record, so you should vote for her to break the glass ceiling or so she tells you.
So when I hear of a cop shooting anyone, or choking someone resisting arrest, I give them the benefit of the doubt instead of joining the Court of Public Opinion.