Here’s what he said on Facebook:
David A. Baram
January 27 at 6:47pm · Guns do not belong in the hands of teachers who are hired to teach, not to provided armed public protection. The comparison with Israel is also faulty for many reasons, some of which include: Israel is protecting its citizens against terrorists 24/7 who have no hesitation about murdering innocent children; most Israeli teachers and civilians fufill mandatory service in the Israeli Army and are trained, vetted, and experienced in the use of weapons; and Israel is in an ongoing state of war against terrorist who are pledged to eradicate Israel and its people. I have no doubt that Israeli’s would gladly give up their weapons for the kind of peace that many other countries like the United States enjoy.
Let’s break it down why he’s wrong:
1. ”There’s no question that weapons in the hands of the public have prevented acts of terror or stopped them.”
- Israeli Police Inspector General Shlomo Aharonisky
Notice he said “the public” not the military.
2. Just because someone serves in the military doesn’t mean he or she is a marksman, many military jobs are non-combat positions and the only shooting experience a soldier gets is during basic training. Besides, one does not have to be a marksman to hit a target at a distance of 3 ft to 10 ft.
3. We’ve been at war with terrorism since 9/11, but that’s besides the point, we have a right to keep and bear arms and there’s no such thing as a “gun-free zone” in the constitution.