Facebook doesn’t want you bringing your gun, they don’t like the open carry movement, but when it comes to the sensitive issue of race, it’s a whole other ball game.
Starbucks took out a full page ad in the Sunday New York Times, with the headline “Shall We Overcome?” in the middle, and the words “RaceTogether” with the company logo, on the bottom right. A similar one came out Monday in USA Today. The coffee store chain wants to “stimulate conversation and debate” about race in America.
Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/starbucks-baristas-to-lecture-customers-on-race
Let me tell you something, Starbucks. I’m a SICK of race. It’s pretty damn hard to be color blind when Eric Holder spent years describing himself as an African-American. Jews don’t say, “because I’m Jewish, I like bagels.” Germans don’t say, “because I’m German, I like sausages.” But both Obama, Holer, Lynch, and even Sotomayor bring race into everything (although Hispanic and Latina are not really races, they’re cultural backgrounds).
I feel sorry for the Starbucks employee that will now have the option to bring up race, as if they were not busy enough bringing coffee.
But what else can you expect from a company that supports same-sex marriage and whose CEO invited an anti-gay marriage opponent to sell his Starbucks shares?
Here’s an idea, Schultz, LEAVE THE POLITICS TO US, and concentrate on the coffee. Yes, I know frapuchinos are not really coffee, but I used to like them before you became anti-gun, racist putz.
YES… I DO enjoy my “white privilege” ….which makes me a flaming RACIST…..I “got” it before you started working here kid! So just give me the f—ing coffee…………
Amen Roger, someone needs to remind Schultz that he needs to concentrate on SERVICE and not propaganda. When I go to Starbucks and it takes forever to get my coffee, that bothers me. That’s what they should focus on. Leave the politics to us.