Sports Grid’s Jake O’Donnel attacks Guns.

Sports Grid is owned by Mediaite, which is notoriously liberal. Perhaps that is why Jake O’Donnel wrote this about the NFL rejecting the ad from Daniels Defense.

Ya, and strip clubs serve lunch — but they ain’t considered restaurants. It doesn’t matter what your logo is or what you don’t picture in your commercial — this ad is explicitly selling guns, which were responsible for 19,392 deaths in 2010. Also, Daniel Defense (unlike other gun seller, like, say, Walmart) describes itself on Google like this: “Offers a range of AR15 parts and accessories like slings and uppers.”

See, Guns & Ammo is right. This commercial isn’t selling guns, it’s selling pink pro-automatic weapon ladies apparel. Tie it to your doorknob to scare away the home invaders with ugly shirts.

Watch the video, sound off below, or hit me up on Twitter and berate me for being un-American. Just don’t shoot me (I’ve got eight or nine more ugly NFL Christmas sweaters to knit).


The good news is that most of the comments are pro-freedom. Feel free to click the link and let them know why idiots like Jake have no business writing about sports or gun ownership. Instead, Jake should move to Sweden where he can live happily ever after with a fat, socialist wife.



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