Smoking Weed and the Second Amendment


Gun rights and pot rights rarely go together, but Oregon is realizing that there’s a lot of money to be made in expanding the concealed carry to people with minor pot offenses.

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Oregon attracts many people from elsewhere, and a new law taking effect New Year’s Day allows some of them to get a concealed handgun license.

State law generally prohibits people with drug convictions from getting a license to carry a concealed handgun. But Oregon reduced the severity of marijuana possession charges in 1973, and has long allowed residents with one minor pot offense to obtain a license.

That exception, however, did not apply to Oregonians who got caught with an identical amount of marijuana in another state.

Starting Thursday, it will.

It’s one of several relatively low-profile laws going into effect this week. The most anticipated new law of 2015, marijuana legalization, takes effect in six months.


I support this not because I’m a pot smoker, but because I believe in Self-Ownership. If you believe you’re the owner of your body, then no one else has the right to regulate it. That’s why I’m cool with Medical Marijuana, Medical Cocaine, Medical Crack, and whatever else you want to do.

Here’s the dirty truth about drugs they don’t want you to know: The occasional user of illegal drugs is not going to become a crackwhore or end up in the streets homeless. I know parents want to teach their children not to do drugs, just like my parents told me not to smoke tobacco (which I did, anyway), but turning the State into a Parent is not the solution.

So I encourage marijuana aficionados to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights. The 2nd Amendment is for you as well.


2 Responses to Smoking Weed and the Second Amendment

  1. Getting a license to conceal does no good since the Federal Law says you can’t buy a gun to conceal if you are a pot smoker. This is obama’s “under the radar” gun control and why the DoJ will not clamp down on the States that legalized marijuana.

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