The NFL is no friend of gun owners or freedom in general.
As Michael Schaus writes on
After having banned concealed carry in all of their stadiums, and even ordering women to give up their purse in favor of see-through plastic bags, (don’t ya feel safer now?) the NFL has accelerated its war on gun ownership and the Second Amendment by trampling on the First Amendment. The League has refused to air a commercial for Daniel Defense in the 2014 Super Bowl on grounds that the weapons manufacturer violates the NFL regulations for “prohibited advertising categories”. Their rejection, however, appears rooted in political activism, rather than strict adherence to long standing advertising rules.
The commercial spot in question (the video is posted at the end of this column) highlights the importance of family to a returning soldier. No mention is made of firearms, the Second Amendment, or gun ownership
It’s true that all companies have prohibited advertising categories, but there’s 100 million of us, perhaps we need to send a message by tuning out.
If an ad from Daniel Defense is not good for the NFL, then the NFL is not good enough for me.
Reason Magazine also wrote an interesting article about the Anti-Gun Bias at the NFL in 2008.