This is why I dress boring when I fly.
“If you were flying out of New York City’s LaGuardia Airport last week and you missed your flight, blame it on the woman who who wore a pair of high heeled shoes with fake revolvers as the heels. ”
The shoes are worth $60 to $125, and the unnamed woman had to “surrendered them to a TSA agent without question since fake guns are banned.”
Really? The last time I saw a shoe gun that could actually shoot was on The Lone Ranger. What are you afraid of TSA? A female terrorist that hijacks a flight with her gun shoes? You do have X-Ray machines, don’t you?
I don’t know why the True TV blog wrote “you wouldn’t look good in them, so don’t bother trying to get a pair of your own.” Frankly, I think women in gun shoes are sexy as hell. What turns me off is hippie peace symbols, and people with their “Life is Good” t-shirts.
“The shoes were replica guns and voluntarily surrendered, a spokesperson for the TSA said, no arrest was made and no report taken.”
Gee, thanks TSA. Thanks for keeping us safe from harmless replica guns shoes. Why couldn’t you just molest her? Really TSA, there’s no need to steal private property without compensation, I know you’re horny, so go ahead and rub the passengers like a stripper in the Champagne room, just let them keep their property, OK?
I think these are awesome heels. I do not think it is smart to wear them to the air port… 😉
There was a guy who took of his shirt and had the fourth amendment written on his chest. Now that’s over the line, you’re not at the beach, buddy, nobody needs to see your chest. Gun shoes on the other hand, are attire. Smart at the airport? Maybe not, but since they let drag queens fly in full drag, I don’t see why this is a big deal. Seriously, if we haven’t had another terrorist attack is because of dumb luck, not the TSA. The shoe bomber? He was stopped by other passengers, yet because of him, we have to remove our shoes unless we join the TSA’s VIP section, the one where you pay $100 and the feds check you out. Then you can keep your shoes on, your computer in the bag, and not be treated like an animal.