Sean Penn Pussy-whipped: Vows to melt his gun collection

I’m surprised Hugo Chavez-defender and socialist Sean Penn owned weapons, and I certainly don’t remember him having any views about the 2nd Amendment, but apparently he did.

Sean Penn, one of Hollywood’s most liberal voices who also happens to be an avid gun collector, has changed his Second Amendment mind and now vows to melt down all his firearms.

The reason?

A girl – specifically, his new anti-gun girlfriend, fellow Hollywood notable Charlize Theron, Breitbart reported. The two have been recently linked as a romantic couple.

Mr. Penn said during a recent Help Haiti Home benefit that was well-attended by other celebrities: “A strong woman who happens to be from South Africa” persuaded me to relinquish my guns, E! Online reported.

Ms. Theron, whose youth was marked by a family tragedy related to gun violence, hails from South Africa.

Mr. Penn went on: “Being provoked by this aforementioned strong woman and considering how liberating of [expletive] and ugliness it would be not only [to] get rid of the guns I have in the continental United States but also destroy them, Jeff Koons and I had a chat the other day. The highest bidder gets every single one of my guns put in the hands of this iconic artist and sculptor. … Koons will decommission [and] render inactive all of my cowardly killing machines.”
Read more:

Really Penn? What about your private army of bodyguards? Will they they also give their guns to KK Koons? You disgust me, Penn, it was bad enough that you’re a millionaire promoting socialism, but to let some ugly woman like Charlize Theron tell you what to do?  Wow, does she also wear a strap-on?

Oh, and what will you do once she cheats on your wrinkly-old ass with some Justin Bieber? Idiot. Women come and go, but guns are forever.

Guns before ho’s, peeps! LOL


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