Scott Yancey Pulled His Glock

I’m a huge fan of Flipping Vegas and Scott Yancey, here’s why:



Seven Questions for Scott Yancey

The star of A&E’s ‘Flipping Vegas’ on the benefits of dropping out of college, why renting beats flipping and living life in the fast lane

Photo by Jon Estrada

How did the idea to star in your own reality show with your wife, Amie, come about?
I’m from the Hollywood area originally, and I was talking with some buddies who are in the industry. I was telling them how I had to pull my Glock out on some homeless guys who came at me with needles in one of the houses that was all boarded up. They’re like, “Man, you need your own reality show. We’ll make it like a commercial for your website or something.” So I paid their expenses, and they gave it to another friend of ours, who gave it to a guy who worked at Lionsgate. I was Lionsgate’s first reality TV show.

– See more at:


Here are other reasons why I love Flipping Vegas.

1. Flipping properties is a great way to make a living, if you know what you’re doing

2. Flipping revitalizes neighborhoods and gives buyers quality move-in ready homes

3. Scott’s fights with Amie are legendary, and as much as I love her sense of design, I’m glad Scott watches out for the bottom line

4. Scott is not afraid to make his Mexicans work, and no folks, I don’t mean that as a racist comment, Mexicans are not a race, they’re a nationality or national-origin if they were born in this country

5.  Scott is not afraid to pull out his gun with the finger off the trigger, pointed in a safe direction


If you’d like to learn more about Scott’s life outside the show, visit is company page:



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