Riots are good for gun sales


I know how the liberals think, “those damn crackers are buying guns because they’re afraid of blacks.” Folks, the only people we fear are looters, and for good reason. Take a look at these tweets:

The Original Man @ItsMeGrizz
Loot in the white neighborhoods guys!!!
10:59 PM – 10 Aug 2014

Nat Turner @Salute_DeezNutz

Not saying I’m in support of looting but…. Maybe the lesson that has not been taught to White America in peace, can be taught in fear.

Pound Cake Killa @JP_Izzzz_Me


@Salute_DeezNutz gonna have to loot the white neighborhoods then

Madam Nori @JamaicanHoneyFollow

Smh they tearing up their own neighborhood instead of terrorizing the white neighborhoods..loot,burned down and rob them,not your own


This is why gun sales across St. Louis are increasing, even quadrupling in some places.

“Buyers are not simply the stereotypical white, male gun store customers. Instead, gun store owner Steve King described many of those pouring into his store–Metro Shooting–as “females, single mothers … black people, white people … [and] Asians.”

King said those purchasing firearms are “just afraid of what’s going on and they’re coming in to purchase either additional firearms or their first firearm.”

He stated that “nearly 100 percent say they are buying them for defensive purposes,” and the types of guns purchased include “AR-15s, home defense shotguns, handguns, personal defense handguns … for conceal[ed] carry.”

King said that “he’s personally seen the fear in their eyes and feels the sorrow in their hearts” when they come into his store.

Good for them. Now my advice to people is to purchase their guns and ammo BEFORE the riots or any other state or national emergency, here’s why.

1. Is there a waiting period? In California they make you wait 14-days

2. Will the government order or pressure retailers to stop selling guns?

3. Will retailers stop selling guns voluntarily? Walmart did after 9/11

4. What if you can’t find guns to buy or the ones you find are overpriced?

God help us all during this purge, because that’s what the looters are doing, they’re purging and the State hasn’t bothered to stop them.





2 Responses to Riots are good for gun sales

  1. Too bad the effect is localized to the distressed area. The same kinds of folks who are now flocking to the gun stores in St. Louis exist everywhere, i.e. people who never considered owning a gun, and will not be motivated until the mob is at the door.

    That is no way to run a railroad.

    Or a free democratic republic.

    • It’s just like hurricane season, some people prepare for the storm, others shop 3 days before the storms, others day day before or even that very day hours before it hits.

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