Edward Klein, the author of The Amateur does it again. Blood Feud is the continuation of the vendetta between the Clintons and the Obama’s, between third-way Democrats and Marxist-Socialist.
You’ll learn how Barrack Obama and Michelle share different bedrooms in the White House, how Michelle’s solo vacation with Oprah was a weak attempt to get the O lady on her good side. This was a failed attempt since the Clintons are far better at taking care of their friends, sending them birthday cards, calling them when they don’t need them.
You’ll learn that Bill campaign for Obama with the expectation of getting him to endorse Hillary in the 2016 election, yet Obama does not plan to honor that promise. Instead, Obama plans to find a mini-Obama, some unknown politician just like him as his successor. Bill is desperate to take back control of the Democratic Party, and thus a war among Democrats has begun, something similar to the conflicts between Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy back in the 1970s.
The book doesn’t mention much of the 2nd Amendment, other than Obama’s gun control legislation and Bill Clinton writing a huge playboy outlining Hillary Clinton’s position on every issue, including gun control. But be sure of this, after 2016, Obama and his progressive forces plan to continue transforming America. He plans to keep Organization for Action (formerly known as Organizing for Obama), and he thinks Republicans are a thing of the past even though Oprah and other realistic Democrats know that is not the case.
In the end, Edward Klein is a great journalist, and even if he’s not one of us (conservative, libertarian, etc), he did his homework and his book is book is worth reading. If you have a Kindle, download the first chapter for FREE. That’s what I always do. You should also know Amazon has a friendly refund policy.