What does PA’s Rep Gun Hater wants from you?

This includes improved, thorough background checks; detailed, regular mental health evaluations for gun owners and potential gun buyers and similar evaluations for family members who share residency; improved methods of documenting private gun transfers; and, perhaps the most controversial, restrictions on high-capacity ammunition magazines.

As I prepare to introduce a military-style assault weapons bill in the coming legislative session, I understand that these types of restrictions may not be popular among some gun owners.

But military-style weapons with high-capacity magazines give criminals and other irresponsible gun users the ability to maximize damage, which ultimately results in greater loss of life. Giving civilians access to military-style weaponry is nonsensical given the high propensity of mass murderers to use these weapons to carry out their massacres.

A sensible approach to gun laws dictates that firearms with reasonable recreational, self-defense and sporting uses be protected, but military-style guns are proven to be nothing more than killing machines in the hands of irresponsible civilians.

There is no legislation that will completely deter or eliminate crime.

Reframing the gun debate in the context of public safety and personal responsibility should be the first steps to changing the culture of gun violence in our country.

Addressing mental health and criminal behavior are the next logical steps and will require the assistance of every law-abiding citizen if we wish to cultivate an environment in which innocent children, women and men are safe in their homes and in the public sphere.
Source: http://www.pahouse.com/waters/PAHouseNews.asp?doc=28595

I see, so if I want to own or keep a gun, I should have my head examined by some shrink who probably hates guns and will label me a dangerous paranoid? What a bastard, hey Waters, it’s YOU politicians that need to see a shrink, you’re the ones that cause far more damage with your votes and bills than we do with our guns.