Remington Arms Scouts Tennessee.

A woman jogs past the Remington Arms Company in Ilion, N.Y., in January 2013. Residents in this blue-collar stretch of the Mohawk Valley defended Remington after New York lawmakers banned the sale of semiautomatic assault-style rifles. / Mike Groll / File / Associated Press

Gun control continues to kill jobs.

“One of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers, Remington Arms, has looked at sites around Nashville for a potential corporate relocation or expansion that would likely include hundreds of manufacturing jobs….


Remington’s roughly 1,200-employee plant in Ilion makes rifles such as the Bushmaster semiautomatic weapon, which is now banned under New York’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, the first law passed by any state post-Newtown.


In addition to the much stricter definition of assault weapons, which now includes semiautomatic pistols and rifles with detachable magazines and one military-style feature, the New York SAFE Act banned magazines that contain more than seven rounds, required instant background checks on all ammunition purchases at the time of the sale and required mental health professionals to report concerns about a gun-owning patient who posed a risk of harming himself or others.


Quick passage of that law upset not only the gunmakers, but also residents of that state who own certain guns, said Erin Crowe, office coordinator for the Mohawk Valley Chamber of Commerce in Utica, N.Y. “Ilion, New York, is Remingtonif it wasn’t for Remington, Ilion wouldn’t exist,” she said. “There’s not a lot of new industries coming to central New York, so if you take a huge company like that and they leave, our unemployment rate is going to skyrocket.”


It’s ironic that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has come out for gun control at times, especially when a company doesn’t want employees leaving their guns in their cars. I don’t know Erin, maybe she’s pro-gun, maybe she isn’t, but at least she understands what Remington leaving would mean for her town.

Remington is Going Galt, moving to better places. Who’s next?



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