Congrats Alabamians, you have exceeded your 2012 background check record:
Last year there were 431,356 federal gun background checks from Alabama. There have been 486,506 checks this year–and that’s before December’s numbers are in. If trends continue, Alabama’s on track to have half-a-million background checks for 2013. There’s one simple explanation.
“Because they can, because it’s their right to buy and right to defend what they have,” says Gary Mozingo with Gunport in Coden. There many reasons why someone bought a gun in 2013 but the biggest driving factor is fear over what the federal government might do with gun control. It started in 2012 when the Sandy Hook shooting spurred talk of gun control on Capitol Hill. Gun sales shot up as legislation fizzled. Gun rights were kept in the news as most states legislatures, Alabama’s included, worked to liberalize the right to bear arms. One gun dealer we spoke with estimated three fourths of his customers were new.
Buying guns is one of the best ways to protest gun banners, it sends a message, a big middle finger in the faces. So keep on shopping.