I don’t agree with Terry Jones views on human sexuality, but I do support his war against radical Islam, a war that has gotten him death threats and legal drama.
His problems began when he transported 3,000 copies of the Quran soaked in Kerosene, which brought a felony charge for “illegally transporting flammable materials.”
But his lawyer announced in court Tuesday that Jones is taking a plea deal that will drop that felony charge. Jones says he will plead guilty to a misdemeanor gun charge in two weeks. His goal is to be able to continue to carry a gun legally. Jones says he receives so many death threats, he must be able to continue to carry a weapon. If he were a convicted felon, he would lose that right.
Source: http://www.firstcoastnews.com/story/news/local/florida/2014/04/08/quran-burning-pastor-plea-deal/7470217/
What a country, the Occupy Wall Street thugs can damage private property with impunity, but the poor Pastor has to plead guilty for something that should not be a felony.
Jones says that he wanted to avoid going to trial so he could stay away from the allies of the man he called “Shady Grady” — Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.
“We don’t trust Polk County. We don’t trust the Sheriff’s department here, we don’t trust the system here,” Jones said after his Tuesday morning court hearing in Bartow. “The police officer told us, ‘We are going to do whatever it takes to stop you and we’ll let the courts decide whether or not we are right or wrong.’ “
Welcome to the USSA, where the constitution means nothing and thugs with badges harass free Americans for free speech.
Jones will be on probation for six months. During that time, he will not be allowed in Polk County. That means he will not be able to carry out his plan to burn Qurans in the county on Sept. 11, 2014.
The Polk County gestapo needs to get a life, if you go on YouTube and search “burning quran” you’re gonna find plenty of people burning that book. So why not let the good Pastor do what he wants?
And he has not changed his ways. In the hallway of the courthouse, just after the hearing, he ripped a copy of the Quran in half, right in front of reporters.
Why should he change his ways? This is typical liberal bias that belongs in the opinion section. First they call him controversial, a label they rarely use for Jeremiah Wright and other controversial people on the left, then they talk down to him. Has radical Islam changed its ways? Have they stopped with the honor killings, female circumcision, Jihad?
Now don’t take me wrong, I’m not anti-Muslim, if a Muslim is law-abiding and lets me live in peace, I’m OK with that. But radical Islam doesn’t want peace, they want shariah, they want our women covered like they’re garbage, they want Terry Jones censored, they want the entire world to be Muslim, and we do not accept that.
Some of Jones’ enemies say he puts our troops in danger. Guess what? Being in a warzone puts our troops in danger, and they’re still gonna get shot whether Terry burns Qurans or pipes or sausages or whatever he wants to burn.
If our troops are fighting for freedom, that freedom includes freedom of expression, and if Terry can’t burn his qurans, property he bought and belongs to him only, then bring the troops home, because their fight has become meaningless.