Putting gun deaths in perspective

- 577,190 people died from cancer (2012)
- 480,000 people died from illnesses related to smoking (2012)
- 88,000 people died from illnesses related to alcohol (2012)
- 42,000 people died from illnesses related to second hand smoke (2012)
- 37,792 people died from unintentional drug overdoses (2010)
- 33,808 people died in car crashes (2009)
- 15,529 people died from HIV/AIDS
- 10,322 people were murdered in car crashes caused by drunk drivers
- 8,855 people were murdered by a person who used a gun

Something that should also be mentioned:
5-7 children are murdered every day by abusive parents (starved, beaten and worse). Experts say the number is much, much higher. These statistics are gathered from death certificates. Of all child deaths 50%-70% are not listed as murder for “cause of death” when they should be. So those children aren’t counted for these numbers.

You can draw your own conclusions.
~Miranda from 1 Million Moms Against Gun Control, INC

Sources: FBI, CDC, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, cancer.org, census.gov

This also left out the amount of people killed by drowning and falling.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/WeLikeGunRights

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