If you hate PETA and their drones, you’ll love this:
Last week, Senate Bill 1777 was substituted for its companion bill, House Bill 1952, on the House floor and proceeded to be unanimously approved by the Tennessee House of Representatives. Having been unanimously passed in the state Senate on February 27, SB 1777 will now be sent to Governor Bill Haslam (R) for his expected signature into law.
Supported by the NRA, SB 1777 would amend Tennessee’s current hunter harassment laws by prohibiting anti-hunting radicals from using drones to interfere with those lawfully hunting or fishing. Sponsored by state Senator Mike Bell (R-9) and state Representative Judd Matheny (R-47), SB 1777 would protect the rights and safety of hunters while afield. The use of drones by anti-hunting extremists, with the expressed intention of spooking wildlife or catching a hunter off-guard, is extremely dangerous and could potentially result in injury.
Using his contact information provided below, please contact Governor Haslam today and respectfully urge him to protect your hunting and fishing rights by signing Senate Bill 1777 into law.
Governor Bill Haslam:
1st Floor, State Capitol
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
(615) 741-2001
[email protected]
Source: http://www.nraila.org/legislation/state-legislation/2014/3/tennessee-hunter-protection-bill-goes-to-governor.aspx