Pro-Gun/Pro-Pot Bill in Oregon

Good news for pro-gun stoners:

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Getting caught with a little marijuana won’t prevent you from getting a concealed handgun license in Oregon. That is, if it happened in the state and after 1973.

Oregon law generally prohibits people with drug convictions from getting a permit to carry a concealed handgun. But it makes an exception for those with one minor pot conviction that occurred in Oregon after the state reduced the severity of possession charges four decades ago.
But some gun control advocates question the need for the bill at all.

“I don’t really see how this is going to make Oregonians safer,” said Penny Okamoto, executive director of Ceasefire Oregon, a gun control advocacy organization.

Okamoto said she didn’t know how many people were prevented from getting the licenses under the current law, adding that more than 180,000 Oregonians had concealed handgun licenses as of September 2013.

Fuller said the debate over whether concealed handguns make people safer is “a larger philosophical question” not addressed by the proposed changes.

“It’s not a gun issue, it’s not a marijuana issue,” Fuller said. “It’s a fairness issue.”

Representatives David Gomberg, D-Otis, and Kim Thatcher, R-Keizer, both sponsored the bill, which is HB 4068.

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