Pro-Gun Homeless Guy Runs for City Council

Here’s an interesting candidate.

ASHEVILLE – James Bullman, who has been homeless in the city for two years, says he plans to run for City Council.

Bullman, 38, is the first to announce his bid for the fall 2015 municipal election that will feature three of the seven council seats. He said he will change his voter registration in time to qualify for the office. In the past, Bullman has lived in Asheville, but in this year’s elections he voted outside the city, he said.

To qualify as a council candidate, a person must be registered to vote in Asheville. Buncombe County elections officials said there was time for Bullman to change his voter registration.

Bullman, who said he is disabled from post traumatic stress disorder, made his candidacy known on social media. The race is nonpartisan, but he has noted his Republican party affiliation. Homelessness issues are not on his agenda, he said.

“All that is pretty much taken care of,” he said. “I know the city and the county have implemented a 10-year plan on homelessness.”

Instead, he talked about issues including promoting food growing by residents, gun-rights advocacy and reversing gay marriage rights.

He said he would also advocate for single people.

“There’s not a voice for single people. There’s a lot of voices for homosexuality. We say equal employment for everyone, but very seldomly do you hear the idea of a single person being brought up.”

Bullman served as a fundraiser for Homeward Bound, he said, helping raise $16,000.

Bullman was ordained as a Baptist minister in 2005, he said, but does not work formally with a church now. He declined to go into detail about his PTSD. He said he wanted stronger prosecution of sexual abusers and people accused of violent crimes.

As a single man and gun owner, I like Bullman, the Christian stuff I don’t like so much, this is America after all, not Iran, but a pro-gun Christian will always be better than an anti-gun Atheist. So I’ll take my chances and keep my powder dry.

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