This year there was a lot of noise over a blind person who got himself a gun permit in Indiana. Yet not all disabilities involve blindness, and while it’s annoying that disabled people get special rights like disabled parking spaces, they do deserve the same gun rights the rest of us enjoy.
The group Disabled Americans for Firearms Rights, formed before the December 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Conn., saw its membership quadruple to 19,000 after the event, energizing its lobbying on behalf of gun owners. Many disabled citizens have difficulty wielding traditional pistols and rifles, which has prompted some to become vociferous allies in the campaign to block new restrictions on assault-style weapons.
“They’re banning these weapons for arbitrary reasons — because it has a certain grip or stock — when in reality those are the features that someone with a disability like me needs to operate a firearm,” said Scott Ennis, a hemophiliac who started the Connecticut-based disabled firearm-owners group and serves as its president. Like Foti, Ennis suffered joint damage that makes it difficult for him to grip and shoot.,0,2591424.story#ixzz2oMNIPx5o
I am troubled by your apparent double standard when addressing disability rights. The caption under your photo says, “Yet not all disabilities involve blindness, and while it’s annoying that disabled people get special rights like disabled parking spaces, they do deserve the same gun rights the rest of us enjoy.” Yes, not all disabilities involve blindness. I doubt that anyone is claiming this. But then you add, “…while it’s annoying that disabled people get special rights like disabled parking spaces …” You find that “annoying?” So, in your words, people who have paralyzed legs, or no legs, legs blown off in Afghanistan, or lung disease that prevents them from walking very far are “annoying” to you because they can sometimes park closer? Park closer to buy groceries? Park closer to the bank? Park closer to a gun shop? According to you, that is annoying! But you want guns to be modified so you can make a loud noise. Get real!
The Americans with Disabilities Act has hurt many people, both disabled and able.
I also don’t believe in special rights for anybody, you start giving special rights and then you end up creating categories of untermensch and ubermench (undermen and supermen). Then we end up living in a world full of double standards where one fraternity gets kicked out of campus for doing an MLK party where the bro’s dress like thugs, yet another frat or group offends a non-protected category and that’s OK.
You also violate the rights of business owners. Why should I spend big money building a special bathroom so you can make #1 or #2? Do you watch Stossel on FBN? A man who sells wheelchairs was sued because his bathroom wasn’t ADA compliant, his own customers admitted they don’t go to his store to pee and crap, but alas, he got sued and got to spend big money creating a new bathroom. You think it’s fair that in a free country some regulator can treat you like a slave?
Being disabled is not a right, it’s a circumstance. Most disabled people want to be treated like normal people, not given special privileges. The guy who can’t walk very far rides a wheelchair, so does the military vet. Stop treating the cripples like they’re so damn special, they don’t need that nor want that. They also don’t need your pity or compassion, that’s even worse because it makes them feel like garbage.
Besides, disabled people don’t have gun rights because they’re disabled, they have gun rights because they are people, and the 2nd Amendment covers them as well. However, there is no Right to Better Parking, no Right to Serve in the Military, etc. And if there is through the ADA, then there shouldn’t be.