Ryan Zinke was a Navy Seal and is currently running for office in Montana. As this ad shows, he’s very different from his opponent.
Ad content: After displaying some of Republican House candidate Ryan Zinke’s Navy SEAL uniforms, the ad shows a color photo depicting Zinke out hunting and aiming a shotgun. It shows a grainy black and white photo of his Democratic opponent, John Lewis, indoors.
Script: Male narrator: “Ryan Zinke is a 23-year veteran on the Navy SEALs and a former commander at SEAL Team Six. He appreciates firearms, a Montana tradition. John Lewis took money from pro-gun control advocates, let them campaign for him.
“Ryan Zinke is Montana. John Lewis is a Washington insider, who would join Team Pelosi and fight to keep Obamacare. Two Montanans. Two lives. One ready to lead in Congress.
Zinke: “I’m Ryan Zinke and I approve this message.”
The writing over the ad says that Zinke is “anti control and a life member of the National Rifle Association,” while the writing over Lewis says he is “pro-gun control.”
Analysis: The documentation says that Zinke is “a strong supporter of the Second Amendment” and serves as a director of the Montana Firearms Institute, a group he helped form in 2011 to help firearms businesses in Montana and establish training programs. The left-leaning blog Intelligent Discontent said in May that the Montana Firearms Institute appears to be “moribund” because it doesn’t have a website or Facebook page and appears to be mostly inactive.
Here is Zinke’s position on guns from his campaign website: “I strongly believe in the fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms. I support current open carry and concealed carry permit laws. I also support national concealed carry reciprocity which would allow law-abiding concealed carry permit holders to carry in any other state that allows concealed carry.”
Here is the Zinke ad documentation to show that Lewis took money from gun-control advocates and let them campaign for him: It mentions that Lewis received a $250 donation from a political consultant for Mayors Against Gun Violence Fund in September 2013.
This summer, Lewis also received $4,000 from House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who campaigned in Montana for Lewis this summer. Hoyer touted his own “F” rating from the National Rifle Association at the event.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., the former House Speaker and now House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., also gave Lewis $4,000. She also has an “F” rating from the NRA.
The ad falsely suggests that Lewis supports gun control. Lewis says he supports current laws on guns and opposes any further regulation. The NRA gave Lewis an “A” rating (actually an “A” with a “q” subscript to indicate it was based solely on him completing a questionnaire), while Zinke received an A-minus score.
Read more: http://billingsgazette.com/news/government-and-politics/ad-watch-zinke-ad-attacks-lewis-stance-on-gun-control/article_aaa0a3db-8e94-519b-97f7-39ef4f23b8c9.html#ixzz3GAqTOgUl
Zinke “supports concealed carry permits” or words to that effect.
Then he is NOT pro 2A.
Sorry. There’s absolutely ZERO legitimate authority/power enumerated the government to require citizen’s to obtain permits to exercise fundamental, constitutionally protected CIVIL rights.
“Keep, bear, shall not be infringed.”
Fortunes, Honor, Lives.