The NRA did an ad against Mary Landrieu that Politifacts didn’t like, yet how can we trust them when they write things like this:
We will also note that Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., joined seven of their Republicans to confirm Sotomayor’s nomination. Yet the NRA gave them each an A- rating for their votes on gun issues and endorsed them for reelection this year. So this is either selective memory or the NRA applying its own logic differently to candidates.
The NRA only rates candidates on the basis of how they vote on gun issues. While Sotomayor is an anti-gun broad, it wasn’t an issue the NRA was scoring. If I watch a movie like Kickass 2, with anti-gun Jim Carey, that doesn’t make me anti-gun even if my $10 helps Carey. If you vote for Sotomayor to get reelected in a district full of Latinos, that may be a bad decision, but it’s not strictly anti-gun. Neither is standing up when Obama shows up and gives the State of the Union speech. Anti-gun is voting for anti-gun bills, and while Landrieu did have a few pro-gun votes:
…her campaign said she has supported pro-gun measures over the years, including a proposal that requires states to recognize concealed carry permits issued by other states. She also voted against an assault weapons ban supported by the White House in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The NRA also opposed the measure.
She did vote for the Toomey-Manchin bill, which was an anti-gun bill. Politifact makes a big deal about the bill not passing, to me that’s like praising a rapist because he couldn’t get an erection at the time of the rape.
Sorry Politifact, but it seems to me you’re scared at the effectiveness of the NRA ad. Now if you really want to be fair and balanced, as you pretend to be, why don’t you go against Bloomberg’s front groups?