Check this sign outside of a gun store in Texas:
The owner of Tactical Firearms really hit the bull’s-eye this time.
A marquee outside the store in Katy, Texas, boasts that owner Jeremy Alcede likes his guns “like Obama likes his voters. Undocumented.”
According to the local ABC affiliate, some residents of the small town (population, 15,000) said the sentiment is right on target.
“I think that so much is going on in the government that we need to speak up and say what we believe,” said resident Nancy Newbrough told KTRK.
Some thought the mixture of politics and gunpowder might be explosive.
“Political statement, yes. Freedom of speech? Yeah,” resident Jason Wilfon told the station. “Some people might not like it, some will.”
In a statement released to KTRK, Alcede said the sign is humor that makes a point.
“Thank God for our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights,” the statement said. “It’s meant as a joke. It’s meant to be funny.”
Alcede is no stranger to the politics of gun control. Last year, he was on the now-defunct CNN program hosted by Piers Morgan, the vocal anti-gun zealot who’s since lost his show. The experience was not a happy one.
But Morgan’s show is history. Alcede position hasn’t changed.