Please don’t follow people that cut you off

Here’s an example of what NOT to do, assuming the 81-year-old man is guilty.

BOCA RATON, Fla. —An incident between two drivers in Boca Raton Friday ended when one man pointed a weapon at another, Boca police said.

Irving Feingold, 81, pointed a Sig Sauer .380 caliber handgun at an 18-year-old driver, according to the police report.

But Feingold said he pointed the gun because he feared for his life.

The 18-year-old victim told police that Feingold, driving a gold Cadillac, cut him off at about 3:45 p.m. Friday near St. Andrews Boulevard and Verde Trail.

The victim told police the Cadillac then followed him as he turned into his gated community. The victim told police he confronted the driver of the Cadillac and hollered at him.

The victim and his passenger told police the Cadillac followed them to the victim’s home, where Feingold pointed the weapon at the victim.

Feingold, who said he unholstered the gun but never pointed it, was charged with aggravated assault, the report said.

Now I’m glad old people are packing, but my dear seniors, stories like this don’t help the 2nd Amendment.  Someone cuts you off, is it the worst thing that can happen? You keep driving, you reach your destination safely. This story reminds me of my old unarmed grandfather, RIP, who was robbed at gun point and started running after the robber, eventually the bad guy turned around and said “do you want me to shoot you?” which brought grandpa to his senses. A gun in the car is meant for the people that want to do you harm or steal your vehicle, not for someone that cuts you off.

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