A businessman in Georgia Charles “Chip” Ditchendorf, owner of the West Side Safe and Gun shop at 205 Pearl St, wants to add an indoor shooting rage on his property, and even though a cop is for it, four people spoke against it at the zoning meeting.
A Marietta businessman says he welcomes input from the community as he pursues plans to add an indoor shooting range on his property in the 200 block of Pearl Street, an idea that has a petition against it circulating around the Harmar neighborhood.
“I think the biggest issue is whether he can confine the noise within the building,” he said. “If he can do that I think people would have few problems with it. And he’s willing to change the building design to accommodate neighborhood concerns.”
But some aren’t sold on the idea, including next-door neighbor Andrea Lisovich and her boyfriend, Gary Johnson, who live in a house on Harmar Street, adjacent to Ditchendorf’s property.
“We don’t want a shooting range here,” Lisovich said. “How is this benefiting our neighborhood? And we have teens and young children who live in this neighborhood.”
Source: http://www.mariettatimes.com/page/content.detail/id/556325/Indoor-shooting-range-tapped-for-Harmar.html?nav=5002
Are you saying a round fired from a gun is going to penetrate the wall and hit your house? When does that happen?
Johnson said he would also be concerned.
“It would be an indoor range, but there will have to be some sort of ventilation area, and that will allow noise,” he said. “I’ve never seen a shooting range that didn’t generate noise.”
Lisovich said Ditchendorf himself admitted he could not guarantee there would be no noise from the facility during the public meeting held last month.
Both Johnson and Lisovich said they were not against firearms.
“I like to shoot, too, but I do it out in the country where it belongs, not in the city,” Johnson said.
Unbelievable! I have nothing against shooting in the country, but your risk of injuring a stranger are greater outdoors than in a gun range. And if this guy has concerns about noise, what about the people having a picnic in the country? Hey Johnson, I like to shoot were I have access to a vending machine full of Diet Cokes, a gun dealer who will sell me ammo, and a bathroom so I can pee indoors.
The couple has circulated a petition throughout the neighborhood against an indoor shooting range at 205 Pearl St., and Johnson said at least 100 people have signed the document.
Yeah, I’m sure they’re the kind of people that would sign a petition supporting an Orwellian-Police State. I’m not kidding.
Susan Dearth, who lives on the corner of Pearl and Fearing streets near the proposed shooting range, said she also worries about the project.
“I don’t know a lot of details about it, but I would be concerned about any possible toxic fumes that might come out through the building’s ventilation area,” she said. “And if a shooting range is built it will increase traffic in this neighborhood. We already have a lot of traffic here for ball games on weekends.“
If I was her, I would worry about the dangers of airborne pollution within my own home, as for traffic, give me a break, lady, that gun range is going to generate far more tax collections than some baseball games in a public park.
Dearth noted many children play on the Flanders Field playground every day and she’s concerned that people could have loaded firearms outside the shooting range facility.
“I’m not totally against this, although there are a few people who don’t want it here at all,” she said. “My main concern would be for the safety of our community. I just want it to be safe.”
Yeah, and I want to be FREE, but seriously though, think about all the activities that are far more dangerous than handling a firearm such as horseback riding, scuba diving, hiking, bicycling, playing sports (google “concussions” or “sports injuries”). As for men with loaded guns, it’s called “concealed carry” and it’s legal in Ohio. The reality is that if you have a concealed weapon, only a well-trained eye can spot it, and that is if you’re not wearing a bulky-jacket, t-shirt, or carrying a weapon that’s small enough for effective concealment.
If you’d like to Friend these patriots on Facebook, here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/West-Side-Safe-Gun/314244568620624