How gun control hurts biathletes

The Russians are very good at Biathlon, but they’re very bad when it comes to respecting man’s right to keep and bear arms. The sport combines cross-country skiing with target shootings, and it requires Olympians to carry rifles on their backs. While other countries allow them to take their guns back to their hotel rooms, things are a little bit different in Russia.  

SOCHI, Russia—The most carefully guarded sporting equipment in the Winter Olympics lies behind the door of a sealed-off corridor in a stadium near the upper reaches of the Caucasus Mountains. It is monitored at all hours by security guards who open the door only for its owners. And even then, they need personalized keys to retrieve it from their lockers. For biathletes, the security measures are just one more reminder: It isn’t easy getting your equipment around the Olympics when your equipment includes a .22-caliber rifle.

There are reasons biathletes like to take their rifles home or back to a hotel. Away from the mountain, many of them hang sheets of paper with five black dots on bedroom or living room walls, which mimics the targets in a race. They use them for a training method called dry firing, in which they aim at the dots with their rifles unloaded and pull the trigger.

Before a typical race day, they can do this casually—before bed the previous night or just after breakfast, for instance. But at the Olympics, the security measures bring those routines to a halt once biathletes step out of the competition venue. “You just kind of adjust your schedule,” said U.S. biathlete Lanny Barnes.

Some biathletes get a little apprehensive about leaving their rifles in the care of strangers, whether it’s at the Olympics or at an airport. While the size of the rifles is standard, the stocks are highly customized to fit biathletes’ bodies. They can cost several thousand dollars, and biathletes tend to keep the same ones for several years. Some even nickname their rifles.

“It’s a sport that requires you to hit something the size of an Oreo cookie at 50 yards while you’re at maximum physical exertion,” Team USA’s Lowell Bailey said. “You need a rifle that fits you absolutely perfectly.”

With their rifles on lockdown at the mountain, there is little for biathletes to worry about. But U.S. biathletes say there have been occasional travel issues. An airline briefly lost their rifles while returning from a race in Geneva in December, delaying their delivery for a week. As a result, some separation anxiety lingers.

“We have a very interesting relationship with our rifles,” Studebaker said. “It always makes us nervous when we’re separated from them.”


Gun Confiscation coming to Canada

Conservative MP Blaine Calkins knows the Trudeau Liberals want to take away his firearms, which is why “Alberta native says they must pry them from his “cold, dead hands.”

The resolution Calkins referenced, “Fewer Guns, Less Violence,” has been put forward by the Young Liberals of Canada. It says nothing specific about confiscating legal firearms.

WHEREAS evidence demonstrates a clear relationship between the number of firearms in a society and the number of firearm-related homicides and suicides;WHEREAS gun violence in our urban and suburban centres remains a significant threat to public safety;

WHEREAS incidents of firearm-related crimes, deaths and injuries decrease when access to firearms is combined with effective policies that keep firearms out of the hands of those who would use them to for such purposes;

WHEREAS the Australian Conservative government of John Howard successfully reduced the number of firearms in that country through proactive initiatives such as gun buybacks which led to decreases in the rates of firearm-related crimes, homicides and suicides;

BE IT RESOLVED that the primary objective of a Liberal government firearms policy shall be reducing the number of firearms in Canada through initiatives inspired by the Australian model.

The Australian model is a confiscation-based model, but liberals never admit the truth until it’s too late. Just like the Nazis disguised their gas chambers as showers, the liberals use semantics to hide their agenda.

Calkins’ remarks came as Conservative MP Rob Anders faces criticism for posing at a shooting range over the weekend in front of a target that depicts Osama bin Laden.

The chairman of the Muslim Council of Calgary told the Calgary Herald that the image portrays Muslims as terrorists “who should be short or belittled.”

See what political correctness does to people? Osama Bin Laden was an INDIVIDUAL, he doesn’t represent all Muslims anymore than Jack the Ripper represents all English men, yet Chairman Stupid feels offended. Yeah, some Muslims are terrorists, and those should be shot.

Revolvers of The Walking Dead, Season 4

The Walking Dead is Back, and there’s a website that covers their weapons. Let’s look at their revolvers:

1.1 Colt Python

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) continues to carry his six-inch barreled Colt Python .357 Magnum revolver in Season 4.

Colt Python with 6″ barrel and in nickel finish – .357 Magnum

1.2 Colt Official Police

Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) continues to carry a Colt Official Police as a back-up firearm to his crossbow in season four. He uses it in “30 Days Without an Accident” (S4E01) to fend off several walkers.

Colt Official Police – .38 Special

Daryl holds his Colt Official Police revolver as he is surrounded by walkers in “30 Days Without An Accident” (S4E01).

1.3 Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB

The Governor finds a Model 10 in a bathtub in “Live Bait” (S4E06).

1.4 Smith & Wesson Model 36

Smith & Wesson Model 36 (3″ barrel and square butt) – .38 Special

One of the survivors in the infected prison wing attempts to use his revolver, but is attacked by a walker in “Internment” (S4E05).

1.5 Colt Detective Special

In Indifference (S4E05) a Colt Detective Special is seen in Carol’s (Melissa McBride)’s waistband.

Colt Detective Special 1st Gen with round butt – .38 Special

Look closely and you’ll see a Colt Detective Special

Hypocrisy Alert: SAFE Act Advocate Caught with Gun in School

I love it when the gun haters get caught with guns, and then have to be excused by their “peace” activist.

Dwayne Ferguson spent more than a decade advocating for nonviolence and peace in the streets of Buffalo.

He was a well-known face in the movement for the SAFE Act, the state law that made carrying a gun on school property a felony. He was also a familiar presence in the hallways of the city’s Harvey Austin Elementary School, where he worked in the after-school program and mentored students.

No one imagined that on Thursday he would show up at the school in possession of a gun, touching off an hours-long lockdown, search and ultimately his arrest on two felony charges.

Ferguson, 52, told WGRZ-TV that he frequently carries the gun, for which he has a permit, and did not realize he had it on him when he went to the school as part of the mentoring program.

Those who have worked with him also said they believe it was an honest mistake.

“I’m sure Dwayne went into the school not thinking he had the gun on him,” said Rev. James E. Giles, a friend of Ferguson and president of Back to Basics Outreach Ministries. “We know this for a fact, that he called out to a Buffalo police lieutenant asking why the school was in lockdown, and that they were looking for a man with a gun.

“Dwayne’s reaction was to get his kids – he had about 50 of them – and make sure they were safe,” Giles explained. “He led them into the cafeteria and closed the doors.”


He was among local activists who stood with Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes last year lobbying for a law that would make possessing a gun on school property a felony. Prior to New York State’s adoption of the SAFE Act last year, in response to the Sandy Hook school massacre in Connecticut, it was a long-established state law that guns could not be brought onto school property. The only difference was that the crime carried less punishment as a misdemeanor.

In an ironic turn of events, Ferguson was charged with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon under that law for Thursday’s incident. The law carries a maximum sentence of up to four years in state prison.

Some gun advocates opposed to the SAFE Act have argued that the law actually makes schools less safe since law-abiding handgun owners cannot possess their weapons on school grounds, while mass murderers have never heeded laws making schools gun-free zones.

Ferguson held a New York State licensed pistol permit, but that makes no difference under the law.

“The more they make these gun-free zones, the more they make people vulnerable to mass killers like at Columbine and Sandy Hook,” said Stephen J. Aldstadt, a Colden resident who serves as president of the state Shooters Committee on Political Education.

Some of Ferguson’s supporters echoed similar criticism, saying that carrying a weapon meant Ferguson could have helped police in the event there was a gunman actually threatening students.

“Dwayne probably was in a position to help the police not knowing that he was the one they were looking for,” said George Johnson, president of Buffalo United Front,


So let me see if I can understand anti-gun logic. 1. Guns are bad. 2. Nobody needs a gun in school. 3. A gun control advocate in school with a gun is good because he might stop a mass shooter.

Do these people think before they speak?

Let me ask you a question, will you defend the 2nd Amendment rights of Dwayne Ferguson? Or should he rot in jail and have his life ruined over a victimless felony? Dwayne, if you’re reading this, I urge you to apologize to gun owners and the NRA.

Because a gun control advocate with a gun is like an abolitionist with a slave. The 2nd Amendment is for everyone, Dwayne, stop fighting us!


Momentum builds for handgun open carry in Texas

Contrary to popular perceptions, Texas is not the most pro-gun State. Open carry of handguns is illegal, and our 2nd Amendment patriots of Open Carry Texas are trying to change that.

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – Many gun rights activists say now, maybe more than ever before, they believe they have the momentum to pass an open carry law for handguns in Texas.

More than 70 people with the group Open Carry Texas participated in an open carry walk Sunday afternoon in the Uptown neighborhood in Dallas.

Texas currently allows open carry of rifles and shotguns which is what these demonstrators were carrying as they walked around the West Village development.

Or course, the Dallas County Democratic Chair, Darlene Ewing, disagrees: “Personally, I think Dodge City belongs in the Gun Smoke reruns…We are not anti-gun, we have some people who would like a lot of restrictions and some people who are not opposed to open carry and everywhere in between.”

Right, and Hitler wasn’t anti-Jewish, and the Klan isn’t anti-Black. Of course you’re anti-gun! Are you kidding me? Gun Smoke reruns? Dodge City? Those are anti-gun references you bastards use all the time, and then when we pass our pro-gun laws, your dreams of blood in the streets never materialize.

Here’s some information about Open Carry Texas,

Our Mission:
1) To educate all Texans about their right to openly carry
rifles and shotguns in a safe manner.

2) To condition Texans to feel safe around law-abiding
citizens that choose to carry them.

3) Encourage our elected officials to pass less restrictive
open carry legislation.

(4) Foster a cooperative relationship with local law enforcement
in the furtherance of these goals with an eyetowards
preventing negative encounters.