There’s a new anti-gun group that I won’t bother to mention by name, because they don’t deserve the publicity. Let’s just say they’re connected to the Pulse shooting.
They have the usual anti-gun demands: “universal” background checks, “assault” weapon bans, etc. Again, they’re boring like all gun control groups.
What they don’t realize is that the average hate crime doesn’t take place with a gun, let’s look at a few examples:
Charles O. Howard (January 31, 1961 – July 7, 1984) was an American murder victim in Bangor, Maine in 1984. As Howard and a male companion, Roy Ogden, were walking down the street, three teenagers, Shawn I. Mabry, age 16, James Francis Baines, age 15, and Daniel Ness, age 17, harassed Howard for being gay. The youths chased the pair, yelling homophobic epithets, until they caught Howard and threw him over the State Street Bridge into the Kenduskeag Stream, despite his pleas that he could not swim. He drowned, but his friend escaped and pulled a fire alarm. Charlie Howard’s body was found by rescue workers several hours later.
Roy Blackman
Police investigating the death of a 73-year-old at his home in Biddenden are treating the case as murder after a post-mortem revealed he died as a result of multiple blunt force injuries.
Armando Barron
A 22-year-old [Black] man was charged Wednesday with attempted murder and a hate crime after police say he beat a man in Rialto with a baseball bat out of a desire to hurt someone who is not African American.
About 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Jeremiah Bell encountered 54-year-old Armando Barron and struck him several times in the head with a bat, according to Sgt. Paul Stella of the Rialto Police Department.
Consider that if I Google “hate crime, baseball bat” I get about 547,000 results. However, if I search “hate crime, gun” I only get About 85,700 results.
So why aren’t guns used in hate crimes enough? Simple, the objective of a hate crime is to cause maximum pain. Consider the Neo-Nazi “boot party.” Even the anti-gun ADL admits boots can be weapons: “…wearing steel-toed workboots made by Doc Martens or other manufacturers. The boots themselves became weapons used to kick people in fights, leading to the term “boot party,” which refers to incidents in which multiple skinheads together stomp and kick a victim.”
In fact, if you ever see a Neo-Nazi with red laces, you know he has “earned them” by spilling blood. Suffice to say, the hate crime perpetrator is a sadist, if he uses a gun, his victim will die too quickly. Where’s the fun in that? Now don’t think I’m disrespecting the victims, it’s just that to defeat your enemy you must understand him, and I’ve spent a lot of time reading about some of the most dangerous people on earth.
Consider the following example of Neo-Nazi violence:
3 Skinheads Get Maximum for ‘Gay-Bashing’
A judge in Santa Ana on Friday handed three young neo-Nazi skinheads the maximum possible sentences in a “gay-bashing” attack on a man in a Laguna Beach park last summer.
Accusing the three of a “wolf pack” mentality, Superior Court Judge David H. Brickner sentenced Aaron F. Compean, 18, who assaulted the victim with a lead pipe, to 7 years in prison. John M. Moore, 23, was sentenced to 4 years and 8 months for assault and attempted robbery, and Stephen Walther, 18, was sentenced to 4 years.
But the judge said he found the crime “especially offensive because of its wolf-pack modus operandi . . . beating (the victim) seriously for no comprehensible reason.” Brickner told the three, “It’s not your politics that’s being punished here; it’s your behavior.”
All these examples have something in common: unarmed victims, thugs without guns, and thugs attacking in groups. While it’s true that not every hate crime ends in death, consider the psychological trauma of being victimized, not to mention the medical expenses.
That is why minorities and everyone else needs to realize that guns are their best friends, and their only fighting chance against one or many. I don’t care if you do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or are a Navy Seal. You are not unbeatable, there will always be someone stronger than you, but with a gun, you can be the stronger guy regardless of age, weight, and physical ability.
Comment if you know of any hate crimes that were stopped with guns.
FUHRER-EX. Memoirs of a Former Neo-Nazi.