Snyder Turns RINO: Vetoes Pro-Gun Bills

We have a Republican-led legislature in Michigan, we have passed pro-gun bills, yet what does our “Republican” governor do? He vetoes them.

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Rick Snyder has vetoed bills that would have loosened Michigan’s licensing restrictions on air guns and limited local governments’ freedom to set their own regulations.

Snyder said Monday that only part of a package backed by the National Rifle Association was sent to him before the Republican-led Legislature adjourned its two-year session. He says enacting just four of seven bills would create contrasting definitions and legal inconsistencies.

The NRA says Michigan is one of four states classifying most pellet guns as firearms.

Snyder also has vetoed legislation that would have prorated fees for liquor licenses.

He says it’s a “sensible” reform but would cost up to $600,000 in revenue. Snyder says he’s also concerned about limiting penalties for businesses that repeatedly sell alcohol to minors or visibly intoxicated customers.

I see, so I guess the State of Michigan doesn’t have a Sales Tax or an Income Tax (they have both), but to save $600k we must sacrifice our freedoms? Nonsense! But if he wants a financial argument, here’s one. States with pro-gun laws and less licensing have more sales, which leads to greater tax collection.

Maybe the legislature can override his veto, and I hope they do.


Every Self-Defense Situation is Different

When cops shoot people, they get in trouble. When they don’t shoot people, they also get in trouble. Chattanooga made the news with a story of a woman in body armor driving around and shooting people.

She’s white, and the reactions have been predictable:

Let me get this straight she had a gun pointing and shooting but she was arrested without incident… what’s wrong with this pic. Our youth are dying without even having a firearm smh

“Pointed a gun at the officer…” and “…was arrested without incident or injury…”
Thank goodness she wasn’t a black male.

If she was a black lady she would’ve been dead

These people act like cops should react to every situation the exact same way, that is so unrealistic. Let’s count the types of self-defense situation.

Why do cops hesitate in some situations and shoot in others is really up to them. They are human beings, not machines, they play it by ear and follow their instincts. Maybe the crazy woman was waving her gun instead of keeping it pointed at the cop, maybe the cop knew she was about to give up and didn’t want to die. Honestly, the fact that nobody got hit by her shots show that either she’s a horrible shot or she wanted to scare people.

That’s a big difference from someone trying to beat up a cop to death, or a naked man continuing to assault a cop after the stun gun has failed to keep him down.

The truth is each individual, cop and civilian, chooses how to act. You can’t write procedures for this just like you can’t expect everyone to own the same gun.  Take a look at this video:


This product may be fine for some people, some love Derringers, some believe that if you’re close to the target, that’s all you need. Me? I would never choose this gun. I’d like to have 17 rounds in 9mm, that’s the caliber I feel comfortable with.

Self-defense is ultimately a customized choice like exercise, food, clothing, and a variety of choices that right or wrong, are of a very personal nature.

This is why I don’t give other gun owners a hard time, you do what you have to do to survive. It’s your life after all.

Brilliant Gunsmithing Ad from AGI

Here’s a brilliant ad from AGI.


Why is it brilliant?

#1. Powerful visual that breaks through the clutter.

#2. Simple headline that’s easy to remember and forces the reader to answer. If you say no, maybe you’re not meant to be a gunsmith unless you have the drive to become one. If you already have that drive, then chances are you’ll be visiting the website.

#3. There’s no fluff copy, no over promises, no overuse of adjectives which often indicate tall tales. AGI just gives you the facts, and that’s what makes it credible.

When Stun Guns Fail, Real Guns Work

Nothing beats the stopping power of a firearm…

BEDFORD, Ohio (AP) — Police in suburban Cleveland say an officer responding to a disturbance call fatally shot a man who brandished a knife and moved toward officers after they tried to subdue him using a stun gun.

The confrontation happened Friday morning in Bedford, about 10 miles southeast of Cleveland.

A statement from Bedford police Chief Kris Nietert (NEE’-tert) says the man confronted officers, acknowledged he had a weapon and reached behind his back. Nietert says officers used a stun gun, but that wasn’t effective. He says the man pulled a knife, moved toward police and was shot by one officer.

The man was taken to a hospital and died. The medical examiner’s office identified him as 43-year-old John Hebebrand of Bedford.

Nietert says the officer is on paid leave, per department policy.

The officers made the right decision, let this be a lesson for civilians who think stun guns and pepper spray are good enough. I know some people think living with yourself after killing a guy that wanted to kill you is hard, but what’s the alternative? Dying because you had less-than-lethal force? That’s a choice I will never choose.

Bang Bang Bollywood

India has horrid gun control laws, but that doesn’t keep Bollywood from making films like this:


One of the biggest commercial release of the year was Hrithik and Katrina’s Bang Bang. The first look of the film conveniently portrayed both sides of Hrithik. While, on the one hand, he seems lost in Katrina’s eyes, on the other hand, he’s seen holding a gun. Well, we at least, fell in love with the action packed romantic avatar of Hrithik almost immediately.
Source: Best of 2014 Bollywood Films

Not bad, I don’t know how a girl doesn’t flinch when you’re shooting a gun next to her. Maybe she’s deaf or grew up with guns? And look at how they float!

Here’s another one:


Alia pulling the gun at someone and shedding off her baby looks, has got to be the highlight of the poster. Though it did not give any insight into teh film, the poster sure upped our curiosity.
Source: Idem


Not bad, it’s nice seeing a girl shooting. Don’t know why she’s closing one eye, it’s not a rifle after all. And what’s with the gloves? Does the film take place during the winter time? Is she worried about fingerprints? Good thing it’s not a smart gun.