We have a Republican-led legislature in Michigan, we have passed pro-gun bills, yet what does our “Republican” governor do? He vetoes them.
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Rick Snyder has vetoed bills that would have loosened Michigan’s licensing restrictions on air guns and limited local governments’ freedom to set their own regulations.
Snyder said Monday that only part of a package backed by the National Rifle Association was sent to him before the Republican-led Legislature adjourned its two-year session. He says enacting just four of seven bills would create contrasting definitions and legal inconsistencies.
The NRA says Michigan is one of four states classifying most pellet guns as firearms.
Snyder also has vetoed legislation that would have prorated fees for liquor licenses.
He says it’s a “sensible” reform but would cost up to $600,000 in revenue. Snyder says he’s also concerned about limiting penalties for businesses that repeatedly sell alcohol to minors or visibly intoxicated customers.
Source: http://www.fairfieldcitizenonline.com/news/article/Gov-Snyder-vetoes-BB-gun-liquor-license-bills-5983434.php
I see, so I guess the State of Michigan doesn’t have a Sales Tax or an Income Tax (they have both), but to save $600k we must sacrifice our freedoms? Nonsense! But if he wants a financial argument, here’s one. States with pro-gun laws and less licensing have more sales, which leads to greater tax collection.
Maybe the legislature can override his veto, and I hope they do.