I’m starting to wonder if The Truth About Guns is against the open carry movement:
Incendiary Image of the Day: Home Depot Open Carry Rally Edition
“About 150 people, many of them bearing strong opinions and semi-automatic rifles, assembled on a busy street corner Saturday to make their case for a change in Texas gun laws,” dallasnews.com reports. “The heavily armed contingent came from the Tarrant County offshoot of Open Carry Texas, an organization that works to ‘condition Texans to feel safe around law-abiding citizens that choose to carry’ guns.” Hats off to Home Depot for not telling the OC’ers to piss off, but what’s up with the AR-schlepping Momma above. Either she has the world’s widest baby or she’s carrying a brace of rug rats. Either way, that’s not tactically sound nor PR-friendly. Which is why the News placed the image atop the article. And quoted a bunch of random nay-sayers. What say you to this? Yay or nay? [h/t James]
You can see the picture here: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/06/robert-farago/incendiary-image-day-home-depot-open-carry-rally-edition/
What gun owners need to realize is that the Open Carry movement isn’t doing anything that gay activists, black activists, Latino activists, and others haven’t done already.
We’re coming out of or gun ranges and gun stores, we’re letting America see us, we’re doing what every other group has done to achieve equality in this country. Will there be some backlash? Of course, the Ku Klux Klan went crazy during the 1960s over blacks violating the laws of segregation, but they won in the end. Gays used to get arrested for dancing together in a gay bar, but they won in the end. Latinos faced some discrimination in the past, and now everywhere you go is press 2 for Spanish.
These groups did all that without a constitutional amendment on their side, and now it’s our turn. The anti-gunners hate open carriers because it’s harder to demonize an enemy that you see. When open carriers are seen, people realize that they look just like them, that they’re not different from anyone else except for the fact that they have a gun.
Visibility creates comfort, what’s weird today becomes normal tomorrow. I’m 39, I’ve never been crazy about interracial dating, yet now you see it everywhere. The same goes with tattoos and body piercings, sometimes I feel weird for not having a tattoo since I can’t walk two steps without seeing someone inked or pierced. We to need to be visible to make the 2nd Amendment normal and acceptable in the eyes of the unarmed.
This is PR-friendly, and I don’t believe there’s such a thing as bad publicity. I’d rather have the media talking about peaceful open carriers than mass shootings, if this is what we have to do to get positive nationwide press, then this is what we must do. .
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