Only Six Democrats Voted for Pro-Gun Bill in Florida

If you own guns and vote for the Democrats, you need to read this:

The Florida House of Representatives passed a bill Friday that one local sheriff is calling “crazy” and “absurd.” The NRA-backed HB 209, which passed 80-36 with just six Democrats voting in favor, would allow Flordia residents to carry concealed weapons in public during evacuations caused by toxic spills, hurricanes, riots or other emergencies, the Miami Herald reports.

The Florida Sheriffs Association lobbied against the bill, saying it fails to specify when and where a gun owner could carry a concealed weapon during an evacuation order “The bill is crazy, it’s absurd,” Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri told the paper.

On the other hand, the sponsors of the bill are declaring victory before a companion measure has the chance to come up for a vote in the State Senate. “The bells of liberty are surely ringing throughout Florida today,” Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen (R-Fort Myers) said. “We are making sure that no Floridian in lawful possession of a firearm must leave it behind while evacuating in an officially declared state of emergency.”

One of the House members who voted against the bill, Rep. Victor Torres (D-Orlando), a former New York City transit cop, worried about the implications for law enforcement. “You are introducing concealed firearms in an environment that is already teeming with tension,” he said. “If this bill passes, I hope that tragedy is not a byproduct of our decision here today, and if it is, I hope we are ready to accept responsibility.”

The fact that a former NYC transit cop can get elected in Florida is extremely worrisome. Let me tell you something, Torres, if cops are worried about tension then they need to behave themselves, not treat us like Jews entering a concentration camp.

We’re not the criminals, we’re YOUR EMPLOYERS. We should be the last people to lose their rights when there’s an emergency, not the first.

Secondly, anyone who saw the crime after Katrina, how the cops confiscated guns from the law-abiding while letting the criminals run wild, knows the last thing we need is to be unarmed with a bunch of hoodlums running around.

I’m so sick of liberals telling me that our pro-gun bills are crazy. We have to put up with bathrooms for transgendered people, persecution against Christians in our military, the firing of CEO’s over their traditional marriage donations, yet these bastards think it’s crazy to protect our 2nd Amendment?

Fine, let’s be crazy for freedom!


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  1. Pingback: Only Six Democrats Voted for Pro-Gun Bill in Florida | The Gun Feed

  2. to all those that choose to be dependent on others to protect you and your family….you all will be left defenseless and prone to be removed first….you have chosen to believe in a ‘false prophet’ and will not have time to regret that decision….imho

    • That’s how I feel about it, I’ve been reading “White Girl Bleed A Lot,” the only people that haven’t victimized by the Knockout Game are those that had a gun or a knife, with that you can fight back, without it the mob wins.