NYT Uses Murderer to Promote Gun Control.

The left must be really desperate if they’re publishing this:

The Killer Who Supports Gun Control.

Those gun killings have been committed by people like John Lennon (his real name, but no relation to the Beatles star), who, in 2001, used an assault rifle to shoot an acquaintance dead in a quarrel over drugs. Lennon is now locked up at Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, N.Y., and he underscores that while people kill people, so do guns.

“I do take responsibility for the murder; I’m sorry for taking his life, and all the life he could have had,” Lennon writes in an essay that he sent me out of the blue and that I’ve published on my blog. “But without a gun, I would not have killed.”

Lennon says that only “that perfect killing machine” of a gun assured that the murder would succeed.

“Could I have stabbed him?” he adds. “Strangled him? Bludgeoned him? If I had done so and he hadn’t died, why would that have made me less culpable than I am now, a man who swiftly and cowardly shot another man to death? A killer nonetheless, I hash these things out, in my head, in my cell, in Attica serving 28 years to life.”


“I’m all for the market system,” Lennon says, “but when the products are killing machines, why shouldn’t we tighten measures to keep guns out of the hands of people like me?”

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/15/opinion/sunday/kristof-the-killer-who-supports-gun-control.html?hp&rref=opinion&_r=0

He wasn’t a killer, he was a MURDERER.What kind of nonsense is this? Who cares what he thinks? The man is human garbage, he has nothing to lose, the fact that he can’t even accept responsibility for his crime and instead blames the gun makes me hope he never gets parole.

Lennon does not deny that people will still try to kill each other without guns. Indeed, he knows that firsthand, for he writes about being the target of a revenge attack:

“He sneaked upon me in the prison yard like I sneaked upon his friend in a Brooklyn street. When I turned, I saw his arm swing for my neck. I weaved. Then I felt the piercing blows, as he gripped my shirt and dug into my side. Pressured by the blood-thirsty crowd, he stabbed me six times because I shot his friend to death. The ice pick didn’t do the job, though. He got away with it because we were in a blind spot of the yard, and I never told on him. Prison ethics. While my assailant’s intent was clear, the weapon he had access to was insufficient. Therefore I lived.”

“It’s clear that the only reason I’m alive is because my assailant didn’t have his weapon of choice,” he adds. “Can you imagine if we had access to guns in prison?”

Google “gun found in prison” or “prisoner murdered” and you’re bound to get thousands of entries. You didn’t die out of pure dumb luck! Perhaps it was an initiation attack, the kind done by a newbie trying to join a gun, a man with little or no experience murdering people. Your attacker’s mistake was not stabbing you in the neck or the heart, now that would have been a killing blow.

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