NRA Alert: Florida Comissioner Considering Gun Control.


If you have the time, send one of them an e-mail.

DATE:   October 30, 2013

TO:      USF & NRA Member and Friends
FROM:  Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President

Yes, it’s true.  Unbelievable but true.

As reported by the Tallahassee Democrat, uber-liberal Commissioner, Mary Ann Lindley, is leading the Leon County Commission in an effort to have Leon County Commissioners join liberal anti-gun south Florida counties in imposing gun control restrictions on their citizens.

Further, following Lindley’s introduction of the proposed gun ordinance, the Commission voted UNANIMOUSLY to continue discussions.

Can they do it?  Yes, unless you act to stop them.

One of the few exceptions to the firearms preemption law allows counties to adopt ordinances relating to background checks at gun shows.  That’s what Mary Ann Lindley wants to do.  Her proposed ordinance would require law-abiding citizens (you and me) to undergo background checks and waiting periods before selling a gun.

That means that folks who want to sell guns — perhaps a personal firearm no longer needed or a collection inherited from a relative — can’t go to a gun show to find a buyer.  Why, because this ordinance would require YOU to do a background check before you sell your gun — AND GUESS WHAT?

Private citizens can’t access the NICS background check database.

That’s right! Private citizens can’t perform background checks on gun buyers.

Get the picture?  Gun Control is on its way to Leon County unless you act NOW!

Tell Mary Ann Lindley that she is supposed to represent you, not her anti-gun cohorts at the Tallahassee Democrat.

Tell Commissioners to JUST SAY NO! to Mary Ann Lindley and her anti-gun followers.

In the subject line put: JUST SAY NO! to Gun Control

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