Now they’re calling us “Gun Supremacists.”

Gun owners come in all colors, all religions, all sexual orientations, but if you’re a gun hater, you need to come up with new creative ways to defame us, otherwise the haters get bored. Well, move over white supremacists, liberals are scared of Gun Supremacists


The gun supremacists go wild

Have we gone stark raving mad?

The question is brought to mind by the new gun law signed last week in Georgia by Gov. Nathan Deal. You might have thought that since the United States couldn’t possibly have more permissive firearms laws than it does now, nothing more could be done to coddle the gun lobby and tip the balance of our statutes away from law enforcement. Alas, you would be wrong.

Georgia thinks you should be able to take guns into government buildings that don’t have screening devices or security guards. Second Amendment enthusiasts tend not to like tax increases, but as The Associated Press reported, the city of Vienna, Ga., (pop. 3,841) would have to shell out about $60,000 a year to increase security at city buildings.

“Do we raise taxes to provide the police protection, or do we take the risk of potential injury to our public?” asked Mayor Pro Tem Beth English, who also is president of the Georgia Municipal Association. Too bad if this gun lobby subsidy comes out of the school budget.

Oh yes, and while conservatives claim to hate the centralization of power, this law wipes out a series of local gun regulations. The gun supremacists just don’t trust those pesky local elected officials.


The program for the NRA’s annual convention, held over the weekend in Indianapolis, listed sessions on “Survival Mindset: Are You Prepared?”; “Creating a Constitutionally Centered Estate Plan”; and “Refuse to be a Victim.”

Party on, guys. I can’t wait for you to figure out the ways in which even Georgia’s law is too liberal. In the meantime, the nation’s unarmed majority might ponder how badly we have failed in asserting our own rights.



You better watch out, E.J. DIONNE JR, we gun supremacists are gonna be burning BBQ, handing out flyers, and shouting Gun Power! Gun Power! Really? The creativity of the NRA is NOTHING compared to the wild imagination of the hoplophobes (gun haters).

None of the repealed laws mentioned in the article affected criminals. The new law does restore some rights, not all,  to law-abiding gun owners. But that’s too much for E.J, for her it’s OK to give illegal-aliens in-state tuition, but God forbid you treat Americans with the same respect you give the border jumpers, gay marriers, pot smokers, or anyone else.

We’re not “gun supremacists,” EJ, even if the 2nd Amendment reigns supreme, we’re not going to force you to buy a gun. If you want to be a soft target for every criminal, rapist, and general scumbag, be my guest! I’ll be LMAO while you reap from the harvest of Statist cowardice.

So don’t worry, E.J, the NRA is not the KKK, we’re not an invisible empire, we’re not gonna kick your ass, hang you up a tree, issue death threats, and we certainly don’t cover our heads with hoods.
So sleep well tonight. E.J., or sleep as well as one does in gun-free DC. If the Cribs, Bloods, or MS-13 breaks into your apartment, let them know you’re a pacifist who opposes the NRA. I’m sure that will keep you safe.

One Response to Now they’re calling us “Gun Supremacists.”

  1. Yes. Just like “free speech supremacists” and “due process supremacists.” Gun supremacists demand their Constitutional rights. How rude.

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