“No Guns” signs may be fake.

Here’s an interesting story I found at The Gun Wire.

Apparently the gun haters have decided that since they can’t convince business owners to post anti-gun signs, maybe they should post the signs themselves.


The story has a happy ending, but the follow up is even better.

Yesterday, I went back and the manager said she looked at the surveillance video and said late one night a customer put the sticker there just before closing on their way out. They confronted them as they are also a frequent customer. She stated that she does that all over town where ever she goes. The manger asked them not to come back anymore.

There’s a lesson here. If you see a gun ban sign, make sure to question it. It might be some anti-gun jerk posting the sign.
Source: http://www.ncgunblog.com/2013/11/28/strange-deceitful-new-anti-gun-tactic/

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