A lot of misinformed ammophobes think gun ownership is exclusively white,
There are pictures of guys with guns, gals with guns, animals with guns, ammo with guns and guns with guns. Curiously absent are pictures of black people with guns, brown people with guns or Asian people with guns. The good guys are white. The bad guys are white. In the Gunworld depicted in these pages, pretty much everyone is white.
Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/susannahbreslin/2013/08/16/gun-magazines/
If that’s the case, why would this ad appear in Guns & Ammo?
Why use him on the website? Here’s a screenshot from ShootingDNA.com
If we’re gun owners are so racist, why use a black guy in a magazine with mostly white readers? Because let me tell you, nothing in marketing is accidental, except perhaps a spelling mistake. When it comes to pictures, they’re carefully chosen. Maybe Rock Island Armory wanted to say they support diversity, maybe they liked his picture.
But here’s one great truth, if using black people in ads hurt their sales, they wouldn’t do it. If they’re doing it is because whites are mostly post-racial and blacks are reading gun magazines more than ever before.
… .308, AR15, .357 mag/38, .22 LR, 9mm…………..They’d better leave me and Mine ALONE!
Agree 100%
My wife, friends, neighbors and relatives (who are functioning on multiple brain cells) will not back down! So SICK of where our country is headed anymore. We’re DONE with all this unhappy B.S.! Believe U.S.!
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