The “star” of Parks and Recreation and self-declared member of Teddy Roosevelt’s Bull-Moose party (barf), had this to say about our gun rights.
While noting his own fondness for hunting, Offerman made some particularly trenchant points regarding the Second Amendment and open carry laws. “The Second Amendment protects our right to own guns, specifically so that we can defend our country from invading armies, or from our own government, should a king end up taking over things and trying to make things more royal around here,” he said. “The Second Amendment is not there to protect our right to intimidate the teenage cashier at Chipotle.”
[…] Go read this article… […]
“Feeling intimidated and being intimidated are two different things.”
How very true! So someone sees a firearm and due to their ignorance and completely irrational fear of firearms claims to be “intimidated” and that is seen as completely acceptable by the Progressive Left. And yet if someone said the same thing about a young Black man in a hoodie walking down the street then they are racist, insensitive, and should spend the time to broaden their horizons and learn that you should never blindly judge a book by just its cover.
That’s the left for you, they’ll post trigger warnings in books and say the most horrible things about white people, males, rednecks, yet if I’m afraid of any man in a hoodie (and Jessee Jackson himself is sometimes afraid of ghetto thugs), then I’m the racist. What a joke.
So Nick would be comfortable with the first Amendmant only covering the written word because computers, the internet and TV weren’t invented yet. Typical Progressive Marxist, ok for thee but not for me, wana bet if he needed it he would have men with guns protecting his house and they wouldn’t be muskets….
Great point, if the 1st Amendment was treated like the 2nd we’d need concealed carry licenses just to carry our books and iPhones, background checks before buying certain information, licenses to do comedy or act, it would be hell. Today we don’t even have Net Neutrality, and I’m glad for that because I don’t want the government messing up the internet.