NFL Censors Print Gun Ad

Not only can we not advertise on the Superbowl, but even on the official Super Bowl program we get rejected. This is the “controversial” print ad from U.S. Concealed Carry Association .

SuperBowl_BannedAd-473x620Source: The Blaze


Like The Blaze said:

The NFL has a history of not allowing any ads involving firearms. Last year, an ad by Daniel Defense that centered around a man protecting his family was reportedly rejected as well.


So who can advertise on the Superbowl?


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The champion this year is Poo-Pourri, the before-you-go toilet spray that can eliminate odors that stink even worse than Pete Carroll’s play calls. The spot itself won’t be accused of being overly sophisticated (this brand’s viral videos aren’t, either), but it was a hit with the fans who voted.

I wouldn’t mind having a product that saves me from having to spray Febreeze every time I do a #2, but it just goes to show that the NFL prefers toilet humor (literally) over one of the most boring gun ads I have ever seen.

I guess in the NFL’s America, you can’t bear a gun, but you can take a shit.


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