Democrats don’t think women can defend themselves. Source: http://www.mommyish.com/2014/03/10/pregnant-women-with-guns/
Sometimes a Republican like Nevada Senate Majority Leader Michael Robertson may try to please the other side by having a pro-gun bill with a few anti-gun measures, and and you’ll see later, it doesn’t do anything for his case.
The scene was the Senate Judiciary Committee, where lawmakers debated two bills related to guns. One, Senate Bill 171, would recognize the concealed weapons permits issued by other states as valid in Nevada and erase Clark County’s “blue card” handgun registration program. (That’s similar to a bill heard this morning in the Assembly’s Judiciary Committee.)
But most of the debate was over Senate Bill 175, a omnibus bill introduced by Senate Majority Leader Michael Roberson that includes a host of gun-related policy. In addition to duplicating the concealed-weapons and “blue card” provisions of SB 171, the Roberson bill would:
• Specifically define as justifiable homicide the killing of a person in defense of an occupied motor vehicle in cases where an assailant tries to enter to assault the occupants. It would also provide a qualified immunity in civil lawsuits for people who lawfully defend themselves in those circumstances.
• Establishes that the killing of another person is justified if a.) the person doing the killing knew or had reason to believe the victim was entering a property unlawfully or with force, and b.) knew or had reason to believe the victim was committing or attempting to commit a felony and c.) did not provoke the victim.
• Prohibits a person who has been convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from owning or having in his possession a firearm.
• Prohibits a person who is the subject of an order of protection in domestic violence cases from purchasing or otherwise acquiring a firearm.
“While I appreciate that this [Roberson’s] bill attempts to address some domestic violence issues, I cannot support it in its current form,” Smith said in her statement. “Expanding ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws will make this state a more dangerous place for all Nevadans, particularly women who are so often the victims of violent crimes. I urge the Judiciary Committee to instead hear SB 187, which will give domestic violence survivors the protection they deserve.” –