I’m walking outside and I see a car with a German Iron Cross, can I assume that individual is a Neo-Nazi? Sure I can do that, but I can’t call 911 and demand he be taken away. He’s as free to display the Iron Cross as I am to walk away.
I see teenagers with baseball bats, do I know if they’re not looking to beat people up? I don’t know that.
I see ghetto-looking blacks in a restaurant, should I assume I’m gonna become the next victim of the Knockout Game? Should I ask the maitre d’ to remove them?
So tell me this, why are you making an exception for guns but not the rest? You’re right, guns aren’t toys, neither are knives, crowbars, fire extinguishers, or anything that can be used to kill someone else.
As for me wrecking the dining experience of others, really? Gee, why not just bring back segregation so racists don’t have to freak out about interracial couples, and why not ban families with babies so the rest of us can dine in peace. I can think of hundreds of things that are far worse than a law-abiding gun owner open carrying his weapon.
Ever taken the Super Shuttle? You try sitting next to some obese woman with a smelly tuna sandwich. Or try being uncomfortable because the driver insists that all passengers wear seat belts, including the ones in the back.
So don’t tell me that my gun ruins anyone’s dining experience. If liberals don’t like to see open carrying of guns, they should move to California, Chicago, Boston, New York or DC. There’s lots of freedom-hating places in America, but in Texas, we like our 2nd Amendment and those that don’t need to get out.
Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/378411/chipotle-was-right-ban-firearms-j-delgado#comment-1398461918
It’s sad to see so many self-hating gun owners, who needs Bloomberg and DeBlasio when we have gun owners turning on other gun owners? Telling them to keep their guns in their cars or at home? I have heard every excuse of why open carry is a bad idea, everything from “it pisses off anti-gunners” to “it turns you into a walking target.”
Folks, it’s a lifestyle choice. Just like some gun owners wear their weapons in their hips, or their ankles or their backs or prefer a shotgun over an AR-15, this is not an issue where we can all agree, but we must support one another.
The Open Carry movement is not hurting us, they’re right on the front lines defending the 2nd Amendment. If Joe Schmo can carry his AR-15 in public, maybe you won’t have to buy a smart gun you can’t afford in New Jersey.
Our war for the 2nd Amendment is fought on many fronts, those of you who are afraid of pissing off the anti-gunners I have news for you, they’re already pissed off. You think Bloomberg wants you to have a smart gun? He wants you to have nothing! The end goal of anti-gunners is to ban all guns, trying to reason with these people is like asking Iran not to shout “death to America.”
If you’re worried about scaring the centrists and independents, let me remind you that they voted for Bush twice. They could have voted for gun-control Gore or gun-hater Kerry, but they chose Bush because he had authenticity, in spite of being a “compassionate” conservative.
The open carry movement has authenticity, they are no different than the freedom riders who sat in the segregated restaurants. They will prevail.
The point that escapes this whiner is that neither he nor anybody else has a “right” to “not feel threatened”, particularly when such a “feeling” is based upon irrational emotion and not objective reality.
However, people DO have a right to carry openly where the law allows it, whether bed-wetters like this guy gets their panties in a bunch or not.
It is a sad state of affairs when people don’t understand what rights are, and presume that they have rights that in reality do not exist.
You sound like a man who has read Ayn Rand. Either way, I agree, the whole gun control movement is based on feelings, and even when they admit that for example, gun buybacks don’t work, they want to do it for the myth that “one less gun on the streets will save a life.”
The gun haters are crazy, and they don’t just fear real guns, they fear violent cartoons, water pistols, pastries shaped like pistols, now they even want trigger warnings on books.
Rights are above feelings, and that includes those “conservatives” that like to remind us “with rights there are responsibilities” as if those responsibilities were not already implied and written in the law.
It is a sad state of affairs, but I think our side will be victorious in the end. It’s just a matter of time.
If you use the word “but” after the phrase “I support the 2A” then you don’t support the 2A… What part of “shall not be infringed” do you disagree with? We either support people using their right to open carry where legal, or you might as well sell all your firearms now because yours will be the next ones on the moron anti-gun agenda. They want ALL guns banned from civilian hands, except for the police of course, so if you don’t support the rights you have now then you might as well be one of THEM…
Exactly, it’s the same with free speech, hate speech, religion, the fourth amendment, etc. Exceptions must be rare, and based on conduct that causes actual injury to an unwilling party. Openly carrying a weapon injures no one.