Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, because the price you pay is disappointment.
PORTLAND — A Portland church refused to host a Republican event honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln in which an assault-style rifle was to be raffled off, according to a newspaper report.
The Oregonian reported Friday that Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Portland refused to host the Multnomah County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Day dinner scheduled for Feb. 15.
The GOP announced Jan. 14 that it would raffle off a AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, ‘or handgun of the winner’s choice.’ A GOP spokeswoman said the intention was to raise money, celebrate their members gun rights and honor the lives of Republicans Lincoln and MLK.
The event met with controversy both locally and around the nation.
The Oregonian reported that the church was under pressure by activists urging Holy Trinity to distance itself from the event.
The GOP has vowed to press on with event.
The country GOP clarified on Jan. 16 that the raffle would be at a separate event from the Lincoln dinner.
I would like to remind the Greek Orthodox Church that in America it is not OK to murder thousands of Armenians, nor to take their guns away. You’re living in a FREE COUNTRY, if you don’t like it, go back to Greece.